Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ok so hopefully these are in order. I don't think I am going to post anymore until I figure out how to put many pictures into one post. So we arrived in Kauai in the early afternoon. We stayed at a great place, and we were upgraded (for no extra cost) to a HUGE gorgeous 3 bedroom condo! It was beautiful! We decided on our first day to just visit the beach and check out the Koloa area. We found a monk seal, which was very exciting, resting on the beach. The kids loved it (so did I). We then went to Roy's for dinner. I had a delicious swordfish filet, which gave me horrible food poisoning that night. Ya. I will post more tomorrow, or whenever I figure this out better.

Kauia 2012

I can't believe I am continuing to add to my blog. It's a miracle. Ok, so this post is not in order, but you get the idea. Here we are beginning our wonderful vacation to Kauai. It's always super exciting at the beginning of a vacation. We got up really early, as our flight left from Idaho Falls airport at 5:45. I wish I could add more pictures to this post, but I don't know how. Brooke help!

Friday, February 24, 2012

More Maui

This is our yummy dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise

Obviously I don't know how to do this blog, so I have to make a second post about Maui. Most of these pictures are from our trip to the Road to Hana, and our snorkeling trip to Molokini Crater


Ok, I am going to put a few things on my blog. I will start with our Maui trip, which was almost a year ago. It was our first visit to Hawaii. We were so excited! We went during Spring Break last year. We stayed at Kaanapali Beach t Honua Kai, which was a beautiful resort. I actually am surprised at how much I have forgotten about the trip so I better get busy with this now!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Camps for all!!!

Ok I will get started with this past week. It was a busy one! Kelsey had dance camp at the College of Southern Idaho in Twin Falls. It's a pretty intense camp that she goes to every year. They stay overnight in the dorms, and she always has a really great time.
Noah had scout camp at Treasure Mountain near Targhee. It was all week, and the longest he's ever been away from home. (I have to say I get nervous whenever one of my kids goes on long trips away from home). He had a great time, and earned 6 merit badges! Ya!! So proud. Kevin was able to go up on Thursday and stayed until Friday night.
Michael went to Jimmer basketball camp in Lehi, Utah. I went down too, as it is not an overnight camp. We stayed in Sandy at a hotel. It was great. It was a camp for shooters, and as you can imagine, Jimmer Fredette was there everyday but Wednesday.
I will put up pictures and video tomorrow! Ya for camp week! Wow has this summer been busy, and fun.

Summer so far 2011

Well....it's been over a year since I have done anything on this blog. I am starting it up again for two reasons:
1. I don't really want to put all my pictures and family information on facebook anymore...I don't really want everyone to see all of my pics and I don't think they all want to necessarily see them anyways. I also can't stand all the ridiculous viruses that everyone seems to keep clicking on. There is no spider that lives under that girls skin.

2. Debi Jackson has showed me the awesome "yearbooks" or albums you can make from the blog posts throughout the year and I really want to do that.

So here goes. Be patient, and gentle. I'm kind of new :)